EULID, Euro Living Donor

This project is receiving co-funding from the European Union in the framework of the EU Health Programme 2003-2008.


News and events

Living Donor Satisfaction Survey validation and results among European Countries - XI Congrés Societat Catalana de Trasplantament Dr. Marti Mayalich

Living donors are considering more and more as a new efficient organ suppliers pool and consequently their progress is the main concern of several Living Donation Programs. The quality and safety of these programs must be guaranteed. Our objective is to provide a homogenous tool that will help to evaluate the quality and the safety of these programs.

This study is generated by the staff of EULID project. EULID is one of the Living Donors Projects supported by the European Commission. The proposal of this working group is to elaborate a satisfaction survey with the donors’ participants in EULID project. The survey collected their opinion on the satisfaction level of the process and the impact of this act in their lives.

CONCLUSION: We present a validated living donor satisfaction survey that will allow to perform a mid-term and long-term Living Donors follow-up. Even results show that the procedure is safe and the impact on donors is not significant, still there were detected some negative consequences that should be avoided by the system.

Day: Wednesday, 03/16/2011
Place: Barcelona, Spain
Organize: Societat Catalana de Transplantament

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