ELIPSY, Euro Living Donor Psychosocial Follow-up

This project is receiving co-funding from the European Union in the framework of the EU Health Programme 2008-2013.


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European living donor psychosocial follow-up (ELIPSY project) - Abstract presentations: ESOT congress Dr. Marti Mayalich

The number of living donor (LD) transplantations has increased in the European countries in the last years. Nevertheless the impact of donation in the psychosocial sphere, quality of life (QOL) and well-being of the donors has not been sufficiently studied until now so we are unable to identify the risk factors that could predict the impact of the donation process in living donors.

ELIPSY is a project co-funded by EAHC which aim is to contribute guaranteeing high quality of living organ donation programs by creating an assessment model for the LD's psychosocial well-being and QOL, including the impact of the recipient's outcome on the donor and the donor's perception of the process.

CONCLUSION: The harmonization of LD psychosocial follow-up among Europe will guarantee a high quality model for living donation programs.

Day: Sunday, 09/04/2011
Place: Glasgow, UK
Organize: ESOT (European Society of Organ Transplantation)

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